Hi …. !!!
I’ve just updated my website !!!
I know, it’s about time right..!!! I’ve made it all pretty and easy to navigate. I have a link to my Etsy shop where you can buy my patterns and templates. I still have more to upload but I’m getting there…
Rach and I at a strategy meeting earlier this year….
There’s been loads happening behind the scenes this year. I have an assistant working for me one day a week. Rachael is great at getting all the things done that I just never get time to do… Rach is a sweetheart and great friend..!!!
On the Pattern front, I have been updating all my patterns and prepping new designs for release this year. I now have a range of acrylic templates to accompany some of my patterns… with others designs that use these templates currently in the testing process. I also have lots of other patterns that are a quick download and require no templates.
In the Quilting Studio things are rocketing along after a slow start to the year due to machine breakdown and some health issues. Both are recovered and, fingers crossed, we’ve put the bad juju behind us….
If you would like your quilt professionally quilted by Leanne head on over to the Contact Page to send a message…
Thanks for hanging in there with me
I’ll be back with more news soon…
Happy Quilting
Leanne x